Monday, July 30, 2007


Today was the day we had to ship our kids to Canada. Tears were shed, Casey was able to give each one of them a blessing. They were very sweet. Casey's dad took them on the plane to Great Falls. We are hoping they will make it across the border with those three little bandits. We shed tears wishing we were on the same holiday. It will be hard to go home to such a quite place but at least this way our attention can be on Casey. Casey's mom stayed here with me. Bless her heart!!!! I'm so thankful for all the help and encouragement we have received. As we speak a little birdie told me my house was getting cleaned. Thank you! Thank you!

Casey has had a good day! His counts are where the doctors would like them. Tomorrow he will fill you in on this. He has had lots of rest today which is a good thing. Also, Congratulations to Drew Bushman who is the closest to a shiny head. We will send pictures in an upcoming blog! Andrew Dixon has a close second. Aaron and Brian we want to see those ears.!!!!!!

We appreciate those who have joined Casey's chrome dome club. We are daring the Mortensen's (Todd, Brett, and Craig) and also the Martin's (Sterling, Gary and Jeff) to join the club. Your so close:)

Today we are thankful for: The bravest Grandpa in America for taking three young children on an airplane trip home. And also the comfort blessings can bring.

Lots of Love

Saturday, July 28, 2007

My list

5 Good things about the hospital
  1. My model nurse (Melodee)
  2. Milkshakes and Ruth's Chriss
  3. Visited by two Mark Howard's in one day
  4. Making everyone wear masks
  5. Being a 24 hour psychologist
5 Reasons why I am jealous of Winn:
  1. Thick flowing mane of hair
  2. His new Q7
  3. His blog comments are better than mine
  4. His fetish for anything Oakley
  5. His dog Diesel

Special congrats to Matt Haugh, Grayson Tressler and Doug Glenn for going bald for me.

5 people I would like to see bald for me.

  1. Aaron Johnson-Brian Griffeth (twins)
  2. Winnfield Greenwood
  3. Skye Tressler
  4. Gary Nish
  5. Ken Kaufman
  6. Andrew Dixon
  7. Rich Kempton and or Cammille
  8. The Silverfox aka Jim Folsom
  9. Izetta Martin
  10. Cecil Jones

The list was too fun so we came up with 10.

Today was the best of days and the worst of days. The laxative didn't work, just lots of gas. Which the nurse says is a good sign. I guess I won't explode. I appreciate the 6 visitors today. Sunday is by appointment only. There is standing room only from 1:00 to 4:00. Sorry Bishop. Church attendance will be low. My leukemia counts keep coming down, so everything is looking good.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Fiesta Party

The first full day of chemotherapy went well. No side effects yet. Feeling really good. The doctors are all really impressed with everything. The Highlight of the day was a surprise party. Some friends came in and decorated my room with hats and chili peppers and gave me a nice mexican sunrise. It was complete with a pinata and a golf club. We were busted by the nurse who made the party givers eat in the hallway while I ate in my room alone. Also it was quite the sight to see a blind deaf man hitting a pinata with two white men with little mustaches almost getting hit by a golf club.

My vision is very blury caused by the antibiotics which should clear up within the week. We are so thankful for the many visitors, phone calls, letters, and comments on our blog. Thanks for thinking of us. We really appreciate it. Heavenly Father has truly blessed us!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

First Post

With the help of Jill J. we have created a blog!!

Today we got the hickman catheter on left shoulder. This will facilitate the administration of the Chemotherapy drugs. The hickman catheter goes from your chest over your collarbone onto the superior vena cava (for all you dummies it goes to your main vein) it ends just above the opening of the heart. I had a heart ultrasound and could hear the sound of it opening and closing. So Cool! The consistent rhythm was good to hear!!! They will start Chemotherapy tonight at 6:00. Ruth's Chris fillet was brought in to honor the occasion. This was especially nice because when chemo starts everything tastes like rusty nails. Tonight I am looking forward to Smokey and the Bandit if I can see it, my eyes are blurry from some medication.

Today I am thankful for all of the friends and family. I am thankful for the calls.